
Date Category Advance
Day of Performance
March 17th Category Ⅰ JPY2,000 JPY2,500
March 18th Category Ⅱ
March 19th Category III
March 20th Grand Champion JPY2,500 JPY3,000
4 days All JPY8,000 -

*Open Seating
*No one under 4 years old admitted.


a. The day-of-performance tickets will be sold at the door in the venue after 9:00 AM. You may purchase only one ticket at a time. Please note that the ticket sales are limited to around 100 a day. Only when there are any seats available, some extra tickets will be offered.


b. Anyone except the participating choir members (Max 16 singers, the accompanist and the conductor) is required to pay the above ticket fee with the choir’s participation fee.